
Pull Together Canada!

"Pull Together, Canada!" is a motto found in theme songs, Victory Loan campaigns, and musical reviews. It is also the title of this handbook, edited and published to offer Canadians guidance as to what to do "in home, workshop, and community" to secure total victory. The illustrated handbook emphasizes the need for sound homes, teamwork in industry and a united nation that fights together in order to help the Allied forces defeat the Axis powers. 

Canada's Fighting Men: An Address by Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King

This address by Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King to the Canadian Club of Toronto on April 19, 1943 was given on account of the opening of the Fourth Victory Loan Campaign. In his speech, Mackenzie King emphasized the urgency and necessity for all Canadians to continue assisting the war effort by purchasing Victory Loans. 

"A Tribute to the Canadian People", a Statement by P.M. Mackenzie King

On March 25, 1941 then Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King addressed the House of Commons in a statement titled "What Canada is Doing" as a tribute to the Canadian people. The speech aimed to put into perspective what Canadians across the country had already been doing up to that date to further the war effort against the Axis powers, and to also enumerate the challenges undertaken to be completed the following year in 1942. 

A-1 Canadian Artillery Training Centre Handbook

Petawawa Military Camp in Ontario was the training centre for the Canadian Artillery. This booklet was published for the use of those newly arrived at the camp in order to become more familiarized with the grounds, routines and customs. The handbook covers much, from the history of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, to uniforms, badges, auxiliary services, salutes, etc. 

Canada's War Record

The changes brought upon Canadian society by the outbreak of the Second World War were far-reaching in scope and intensity. These effects were felt by all Canadians, although some changes brought along more evident consequences. For example, the shift in Canadian demographic composition as a result of the thousands of men enlisting for military service was apparent. Other changes were just as significant even if less conspicuous, such as being unable to buy gas on Sundays or between 7pm and 7am. 

The Japanese Army in Pictures

At the time of the Second World War, information was not as easily accessible as it is today. Any information pertaining to specifics of enemy military forces such as the Japanese Army, was even more obscure. For these reasons, the British War Office prepared this pamphlet, which was then reprinted in Canada for use by the Canadian Armed Forces.

"Our Country the Arsenal of Democracy"

This beautifully illustrated window decal would have been placed face out, overlooking a street to show the household's support for the Allied war efforts, exemplified by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill's optimistic quotes. 

Allies Decal.pdf (1.61 MB)

The Maple Leaf Magazine for Canadian Forces Abroad

The Maple Leaf was a newspaper created for the Canadian Forces in Europe. Featured here is the Brussels, Belgium edition with the headline "Canadian Army in New Surge" highlighting the successful advance of Canadian forces over the Lower Rhine, particularly near the German town of Kleve. The newsletter makes mention of the significant importance of Soviet action as well. 

Scènes de Guerre à l'arriére

This very short but interesting newsletter in French features a game board, as well as several photographs including one of gun training, a visit by the Minister of National Defence of Canada J.L. Ralston to Camp Borden, and skiers on Mount Fitzgerald. 

La Bataille de Grande-Bretagne

La Bataille de Grande-Bretagne: Reportage préparé pour le ministère de l’Air sur l’époque grandiose comprise entre le 8 aout et le 31 octobre 1940 (Fonds de Secours de la Reine pour les Victimes des Raids Aériens, 1941).