The Japanese Army in Pictures

At the time of the Second World War, information was not as easily accessible as it is today. Any information pertaining to specifics of enemy military forces such as the Japanese Army, was even more obscure. For these reasons, the British War Office prepared this pamphlet, which was then reprinted in Canada for use by the Canadian Armed Forces.

The pamphlet offered a glimpse of the appearance of Japanese soldiers and their armament to Canadian soldiers, and Canadian soldiers only as the information provided in the pamphlet was not to be communicated "to the Press or to any person not holding an official position in His Majesty's [King George VI] Service."

-----, The Japanese Army in Pictures (23 February 1942 [Canadian edition, May 1942])

Pamphlet. 66 pages. 18.5cm x 12cm.
Ley and Lois Smith War, Memory and Popular Culture Research Collection - The University of Western Ontario - London, Ontario
Second World War