
Homestead Inspection

In this letter, the Department of the Interior is investigating a man named Albert Formo, with the intention of "making careful enquiry as to whether the entrant is on active service, or a returned soldier." Apparently he was neither, but it is not clear if this affected his tenure on the land.

Open for Business! - Herb's Electric Service

If you wanted to start a new business, or supplement your existing one,  during the Second World War it was necessary to apply for a commercial license with the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. With this document, a commercial license for retail and services was  granted to Herb's Electric Service in Coldwater, Ontario.

Montreal: Canada's Tank Capital during the Second World War

During the early stages of industrial preparation for war, Allied powers faced the challenge of creating a tank that could be mass produced, and be comparable to those being manufactured in Germany. 

Canada's Industrial Might

This 1941 report by the Ministry of Munitions and Supply provides insight into Canada's wartime manufacturing and construction power. The report addresses primary wartime industries' efforts such as shipbuilding, gun manufacturing, and heavy ammunition. However, it also reported on the growth of other related industries that nonetheless affected the civilian population more directly, such as timber and electricity. 

War and the Maritime Provinces

This study was commissioned in 1940 "to help people make up their minds about future policy." The Keirsteads apologized if the final product was "a bit patchy and dull", but asked for forbearance in view of the importance of the subject.

Union Lodge No.380

The Freemasons is one of the largest and oldest fraternal organizations in the world, and meetings were not typically interrupted by war. London, Ontario's, Union Lodge No. 380 was founded in 1879 and, to this day, meets on the second Monday of every month.

Re Shortage of Power

In the First World War, some businesses reported power shortages in the province of Ontario, the Canadian Manufacturers' Association were tasked with looking into the issue. 

Plans for post-war Canada

By 1917, Sir George Foster, the Minister of Trade and Commerce, called for a National Business Conference to discuss the potential damage of the First World War to the Canadian economy, and the steps that might be taken to combat that damage. 

The Crisis

The federal government encouraged Canadians to preserve resources in 1918. This brochure urged Canadians to preserve their food stuffs to ensure there was enough for soldiers fighting overseas. 

The Crisis.pdf (8.94 MB)

Newcastle’s Financials 1918

The annual statement of the town of Newcastle, New Brunswick, from the year 1918 details how the town’s money was disbursed in the final year of the First World War - including over $7000 invested in Victory Loan bonds.