
Will there be jobs?

The prospect for employment after the Second World War was the subject of this survey co-authored by Leonard Marsh, author of the Marsh Report that laid the groundwork for Canada's social welfare state.

Women after the war

This booklet was intended to provide information and spark debate about the changing place of women in society as a result of the Second World War.

The Proper Wearing of Decorations

With many Canadians wearing medals from two different wars, the Department of Veterans Affairs decided to issue these instructions on the proper way to wear them.

Medals.pdf (21.27 MB)

Industry, from war to peace

This 1946 cover marked Canada's transformation from a wartime to a peacetime economy after the Second World War.

Help for Ontario veterans

After the First World War, the Department of Soldiers Civil Re-establishment's Ontario branches offered employment assistance to veterans.

Ontario DSCR.pdf (1.29 MB)

Veteran's ticket for YMCA

Distributed to demobilized soldiers by the YMCA, this card allowed them to use the Association's facilities for six months after they returned home.

Knight of Columbus Catholic Army Huts

The Knights was one of the many aid organizations that provided comforts to Canadian soldiers returning home at the end of the First World War.

Struck off treatment strength, 1920

This document indicated that Edward Robertson, a Vancouver logger who enlisted in the 158th Battalion in May 1916, had completed medical treatment through the Department of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment.

Welcome Home to Halifax

The Canadian Red Cross Society, the Knights of Columbus, the YMCA, and the Halifax Citizens Committee distributed these cards to soldiers returning to Halifax, Nova Scotia, at the end of the First World War.

Welcome Home to Regina

The Returned Soldiers' Welcome and Aid League distributed these cards to soldiers returning to Regina, Saskatchewan, at the end of the First World War.