
An officer sails for home

These cards were important documents for the trip home of Lieutenant J.R. Sams in 1945.

Welcome home to Fort William

This card, with a verse by Pauline Johnson, was given to soldiers returning to the city of Fort William, Ontario, after the First World War.

Cornerstone of a better world

A summary of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, regarded by the Allies as a key to stability and security in the postwar world.

"Ontario - the strategic key to Canada"

In one of a series of issues on the regions of Canada, the authors argue that Ontario is well situated for future prosperity and influence but that its people "have a long way to go to achieve perfection."

Ontario.pdf (5.78 MB)

Canada looks to the Pacific Rim

Noted historian Arthur Lower surveys the postwar prospects for Canadian economic engagement with the Pacific region.

Prosperity in the north

A geography professor argues that the key to Canada's postwar prosperity lies to the north.

New North.pdf (6.41 MB)

Science after the war

A survey of developments in science, medicine, and technology as they might influence Canada's postwar prospects.

Canada looks south

A journalist sees great potential in Canada extending economic and political relations with the nations of Central and South America after the Second World War.

"Why not a Canadian Hollywood?"

The head of the National Film Board sees in the postwar era the opportunity for Canada to expand its cultural industries, particularly film.

Hope for the peace

Respected diplomat and future prime minister Lester Pearson sees the future of peace in the power of collective action in the international arena.