Victory Loans and War Savings

"Buy me a Victory Bond, Daddy"

Fund-raising advertisements often used images of children to encourage their parents to donate generously.

Supporting the Victory Loan

This card was designed to be placed in a home or business window, to indicate that the owner had supported the Victory Loan campaign.

War Savings for Christmas

This little card from an insurance company was intended to remind Canadians to support the war effort at Christmas, by buying War Savings Certificates.

Saving for the war effort

Like countless Canadians, Annette Waterman of St Thomas, Ontario, invested heavily in Canada's war effort by purchasing War Savings Certificates and Victory Bonds.

War Savings.pdf (55.68 MB)

Save for the war effort

The patriotic cover art provided an introduction to a parable, originally published in 1938, on the value of thrift in an emergency.

Put your money behind the war effort!

"Within your heart there lives an heroic spirit," begins this pamphlet which shows how those who cannot fight should buy Victory Bonds.

Speed the Victory!

Every imaginable device, such as this ink blotter, was used to promote the sale of Victory Bonds during the Second World War.

War Savings Stamps at Christmas

This Christmas card, produced by the federal government during the Second World War, was intended to make it easy for Canadians to support the war effort through War Savings Stamps.

xmascardstamps.pdf (1.94 MB)

Buy Victory Bonds

This ink blotter was distributed during one of the Victory Loan campaigns of the Second World War.

Pull Together Canada!

‘Pull Together Canada’ was a musical review written and performed in support of Victory Loan campaigns during the Second World War.

pulltogether.pdf (3.44 MB)