Souvenir Publications

Illustrated War News

The Illustrated War News was a weekly British magazine produced during the First World War. Each issue contains photographs, drawings, articles, and maps portraying the allied war effort, for readers in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Newfoundland.

The Illustrated War News est un magazine hebdomadaire britannique publié durant la Première guerre mondiale. Chaque numéro contient des photos, des dessins, des articles et des cartes illustrant l’effort de guerre des troupes alliées, pour les lecteurs du Royaume-Uni, du Canada et de Terre-Neuve.

Programme for the Coronation of George VI

Though not directly related to the Second World War, this official souvenir programme for the coronation of George VI is a fascinating and detailed examination of this event, celebrated throughout the British Commonwealth. George VI would reign as sovereign of the United Kingdom, and also as King of Canada, throughout the Second World War. He died in 1952. (Note: this is a large file and may take a moment to download.)

Halifax in Wartime 1943

This collection of drawings by Robert W. Chambers was published by The Halifax Mail to permanently show life in Halifax during wartime.

A conscript's souvenir

Despite the inscription that suggests he enlisted voluntarily, Percy Norris of Sprague, Manitoba, was actually conscripted in May 1918. The fact that he later ordered this souvenir scroll suggests that he was not a reluctant conscript.

Au Service de Son Pays

This colourful scroll was available in both French and English, and could be personalized (following the suggestions on the back) by adding the details of an individual's service career.

Montreal newspapers look back at the First World War

To mark its first half-century, the Montreal "Star" produced this booklet relating the newspaper's history, but devoting most of its space to the First World War - flags of the Allied nations, awards and decorations, important dates, and photographs of leading Allied generals.

Fifty Years.pdf (9.63 MB)

A souvenir of the Great War

This souvenir scroll, produced in 1919, featured portraits of the three commanders of the Canadian Corps and a short summary of the important campaigns of the war.

Canada's Part in the War

This booklet, the third edition of an original work published by the Director of Public Information in 1919, presents an overview of Canada's participation in the Great War.

Canada in the Great War

This booklet, a re-publication of pieces appearing in two issues of Maclean's magazine, contains a chronicle of Canadian accomplishments during the First World War, as recounted by Major George A. Drew.

Canada's Part in the Great War

This booklet, published by the Director of Public Information in 1919, presents an overview of Canada's participation in the Great War.