
CEF to the Crown Colony of Hong Kong

In 1941 the British War Office requested that Canada send reinforcements to the colony of Hong Kong, the aim being to establish a stronger presence in the region should war break out in the Far East. This document contains the subsequent report on the Canadian Expeditionary Force sent to Hong Kong.

The Victoria Cross

This booklet honours Canadians who were awarded the Victoria Cross from the beginning of the Second World War to 1944.

Canada and the War - Winston Churchill

This pamphlet contains the french-language version of a speech by Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain, presented to the Canadian Senate and House of Commons.

Let's Face the Facts - Richard O. Boyer

During the war the CBC became a vital tool of the war effort, presenting a variety of wartime programming aimed at informing and motivating the Canadian public. The "Let's Face the Facts" series presented such speeches by a variety of notable Canadians commenting on different aspects of the war effort. This particular speech was given by Richard O. Boyer, the foreign correspondent of the New York evening newspaper, "PM".

Let's Face the Facts - Robert E. Sherwood

During the war the CBC became a vital tool of the war effort, presenting a variety of wartime programming aimed at informing and motivating the Canadian public. The "Let's Face the Facts" series presented such speeches by a variety of notable Canadians commenting on different aspects of the war effort. This particular speech was given by Robert E. Sherwood, an American playwright.

Let's Face the Facts - William Lyon Mackenzie King

During the war the CBC became a vital tool of the war effort, presenting a variety of wartime programming aimed at informing and motivating the Canadian public. The "Let's Face the Facts" series presented such speeches by a variety of notable Canadians commenting on different aspects of the war effort. This particular speech was given by William Lyon Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada.

Let's Face the Facts - Four Addresses

During the war the CBC became a vital tool of the war effort, presenting a variety of wartime programming aimed at informing and motivating the Canadian public. The "Let's Face the Facts" series presented such speeches by a variety of notable Canadians commenting on different aspects of the war effort. This particular collection of speeches contains four addresses by Dorothy Thompson, Robert E. Sherwood, James Hilton, and John W. Dafoe. Suggested additional readings are also included.

Let's Face the Facts - Matthew H. Halton

During the war the CBC became a vital tool of the war effort, presenting a variety of wartime programming aimed at informing and motivating the Canadian public. The "Let's Face the Facts" series presented such speeches by a variety of notable Canadians commenting on different aspects of the war effort. This particular speech was given by Matthew H. Halton, journalist and foreign correspondent for the CBC.

Let's Face the Facts - Colonel Oliver Mowat Biggar

During the war the CBC became a vital tool of the war effort, presenting a variety of wartime programming aimed at informing and motivating the Canadian public. The "Let's Face the Facts" series presented such speeches by a variety of notable Canadians commenting on different aspects of the war effort. This particular speech was given by Colonel Oliver Mowat Biggar, the Chairman of the Canadian Section of the Permanent Joint Board of Defence of Canada and the United States.

Let's Face the Facts - Percy J. Philip

During the war the CBC became a vital tool of the war effort, presenting a variety of wartime programming aimed at informing and motivating the Canadian public. The "Let's Face the Facts" series presented such speeches by a variety of notable Canadians commenting on different aspects of the war effort. This particular speech was given by Percy J. Philip, the Canadian Correspondent to the New York Times.