
Fighting the flu pandemic

During the influenza epidemic at the end of the First World War, many public health authorities deputized civilian volunteers to assist with emergency medical care. Agnes Shackleton, shown in the photograph, wore this armband and carried this identification card on her rounds in October 1918.

Canada's War Effort, 1914-1918

Published at the end of the First World War, this booklet provided an overview of all aspects of Canada's war effort over the previous four years.

Canadian Defence: What We Have to Defend

Interested in adult education, the Kelsey Club in collaboration with the newly formed Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, provided this series of discussions on the subject of Canadian defence. Each discussion is led by a prominent individual; contributors include J.W. Dafoe and J.S. Woodsworth.

The week before the Armistice

Montreal publisher John Dougall produced this weekly digest of news, editorials, and cartoons from various international newspapers, to keep Quebeckers abreast of opinion outside of Canada.

World Wide.pdf (9.87 MB)

The CEF in the Hundred Days

Written by the official correspondent to the Ministry of Overseas Military Forces of Canada, Fred James, this booklet details Canada's role in the battles of Amiens, Arras, and Cambrai, often referred to as the Hundred Days.

Canada at War: Speeches Delivered by Robert L. Borden in Canada and the United Kingdom

This booklet contains a collection of speeches given by Prime Minister Robert L. Borden in Montreal, London (UK) and Manchester between December, 1916 and May, 1917.

Canada at War: Speeches Delivered by Robert Borden before the Canadian Clubs

This booklet contains a collection of speeches given by Prime Minister Robert L. Borden before the Canadian Clubs of Toronto, Montrael, Halifax, and Winnipeg in December of 1914.

Canada at War: Speeches Delivered by Robert Borden in Canada and the United Kingdom

This booklet contains a collection of speeches given by Prime Minister Robert L. Borden at locations in Toronto, Ottawa, and London (UK) throughout the summer of 1918.

Canada at War: Imperial Conference, 1917

Prime Minister Robert Borden gave this speech to the House of Commons, commenting on the Imperial War Conference of 1917.

Robert Borden in New York

In this speech given to the Lawyers' Club of New York City in November 1916, Prime Minister Robert L. Borden discusses the relationship between Canada and the United States.