
Canadian Army Training Pamphlet No. 8: How to Qualify

This pamphlet describes the qualifications for holding officer ranks up to Lt. Col. in the Canadian Army.

Basic and Battle Physical Training Part IX: Boxing and Wrestling

This book, part of a series of training pamphlets that replaced the 1942 Physical Training series, describes the basics of boxing and wrestling and their military uses.

Brief Notes on War Gases and Spray

This pamphlet instructs soldiers on the various war gases they may encounter, how to recognize them, and how to protect yourself against them.

Attack and Defence: Unarmed Combat in Pictures

Ever wonder how to fight an armed Nazi with your bare hands? Look no further. Mixed Martial Arts, 1940s style!

Infantry Training Part VI: The Anti-Tank Platoon 1943

The UK War Office produced and issued a series of short training manuals used by both the British and Canadian armies. Collectively, these manuals established the doctrine, or tactical procedures, for both armies throughout the war. This 1943 manual concerns the operation of the anti-tank platoon.

Army Physical Drill Made Easy

This training manual describes everything an officer needs to know about leading his men through physical training, including diagrams of the proper positions for exercises and simplified language to make sure everyone can understand.

Exempted from conscription

Men who had been given exemptions under the Military Service Act were required to complete this questionnaire to justify their claim. It pays particular attention to men employed in the agricultural sector.

Conscription comes to Canada

Conscription came to Canada in 1917 amidst great controversy. This leaflet was part of the government's effort to explain why it was necessary and how it would work.

MSA.pdf (17.24 MB)

A New Brunswick farmer in uniform

Caleb Harrison of Forest Hill, New Brunswick, was conscripted under the Military Service Act in July 1918. These documents gave him leave from Camp Sussex on compassionate grounds in September 1918 , and formalized his discharge in January 1919.

Certificate of Medical Unfitness

The National Resources Mobilization Act of 1940 called up men for examination for possible military service; this New Brunswicker was found medically unfit.