Introductory Essay
For your bank manager
To simplify the process of subscribing to the 4th Victory Loan, the federal government provided this template letter, which could be filled out and submitted to any bank.
Do what the warden tells you
Wartime offered considerable scope for tasteless humour - as this card, brought home from Britain by a Canadian soldier after the Second World War, affirms.
While on leave in Brussels
Few Canadian soldiers had been to Brussels before the city was liberated in the fall of 1944; this card showed them how to find all of the facilities available to them when they visited the city while on leave.
One last Victory Loan
The First World War was over, but this 1919 window decal offered a reminder that there were still bills to be paid - and a Victory Loan to support.
Funds for Belgian relief
Typical of fund-raising concerts held during the First World War, this one promised "patriotic songs and instrumental music" by local performers.
Games for POWs
Boredom was one of the greatest challenges facing Canadian prisoners of war in Germany during the Second World War, but charitable organization did what they could to send games and puzzles to the camps to help pass the time.
The Canadian Patriotic Fund at Christmas
The Franco-Belgian Committee of the Canadian Patriotic Fund advertised its work in Montreal with images of French soldiers from decades past.
Come to Canada Corner
The Knights of Columbus operated a hospitality bureau in Paris for Canadians on leave. Staffed by English-speaking volunteers, "Canada Corner" could arrange sightseeing trips, golf games, theatre nights - one soldier even got to have dinner with a French countess.
The YMCA at war
Using a fictional soldier from Yourtown, Canada, this booklet offered a summary of the breadth of YMCA activities during the Second World War.
The Red Cross Corps at work
This postcard, sold to raise funds for the Canadian Red Cross Society, illustrates the work of the Red Cross Corps on behalf of prisoners of war.