
A little known war poet

Nova Scotian John Bradford served as a conducting officer during the First World War, but his poetry turned to more unusual subjects, such as Armenian refugees and the story of a horse that was killed in action at the front.

Blind Soldier.pdf (4.27 MB)

"A fighting navy that holds our foe at bay"

At the end of the Second World War, this amateur poet from Nova Scotia published a verse tribute to the Royal Canadian Navy, and to its political chief, Angus L. Macdonald.

Calling Canada.pdf (12.9 MB)

The Hun-Beating Proverb Book

"Containing Many Proverbs that Point to the Destruction of Arrogance, Tyranny, Villainy, Vice and the Monstrous Militarism of which Germany has been Guilty."

A railway journey

This simple poem captures a First World War soldier's thoughts as he travelled on a train bound for leave in Britain.

Ode to the Grilse

Originally a civilian yacht, HMCS Grilse was purchased by the Royal Canadian Navy and commissioned as a torpedo boat during the First World War. She was easily the fastest ship in the navy.

Stories and Poems of the Great War

Following the close of the greatest conflict the world had ever seen, many Canadians sought to commemorate their experiences. Booklets like this one contained poems and stories reflecting on wartime experiences and contemplating the meaning of what had transpired during the four-year conflict.

In praise of the "Buctouche"

This poem in honour of corvette K179, also known as HMCS Buctouche, was found in the papers of Canadian seaman James Mitchell of Waterdown, Ontario. It is believed to have been written by Leading Seaman Arthur Currie Stewart of Glen William, Prince Edward Island.

"Who are these boys in Navy Blue?"

James Mitchell of Waterdown, Ontario, who served in the Royal Canadian Navy during the Second World War, carried around this poem in honour of Canada's seamen. It is believed to have been written by Leading Seaman Arthur Currie Stewart of Glen William, Prince Edward Island.

A poetic voice from the front

This may be the original version of a booklet that ex-soldiers sold after the First World War to raise money - Private Nixon's "Verses Written in the Trenches" is a later version.

Audette.pdf (1.66 MB)

O Valiant Hearts

"O Valiant Hearts" was one of the most popular hymns to emerge from the First World War. This printed copy was distributed to members of the congregation of Wellington Street Methodist Church in London, Ontario, on the occasion of the unveiling of their war memorial.