Greeting Cards

Valentine's Day Greetings

In 1945, a loving son sent this Valentine's Day card to his mother in Ingersoll, Ontario. Distributed by the Salvation Army and sent from Italy, it conveys all the love and well-wishes of a son keen to return home after service overseas. 

Greetings from the Mediterranean!

While stationed in the Mediterranean, artilleryman John S. Thomson sent this V-Mail Christmas card to Mary Thomson (presumably his sister) back in Toronto. 

Merry Christmas from the H.M.C.S. Captor II

Holiday warm wishes sent out from the H.M.C.S. Captor II in Saint John, N.B. by Dick Bickley. 

Season's Greetings from the Transport Canadian Red Cross Corps

During the Second World War, the transport division of the Canadian Red Cross contributed in driving and servicing motor vehicles and providing First Aid. This holiday greeting card features a message of health, friendship, and good news, and a popular illustration also found in other cards such as "The need for blood" which can be found here in the Wartime Canada website. 

Ring in the peace

The return of peace in 1918 was a momentous occasion - so momentous that special commemorative greeting cards were printed and sold.

Christmas in the trenches

At Christmas 1917, this soldier wrote that he was "Still Going Strong." Did he survive the war?

A card for Mother

This hospital unit was established in Dundurn, Saskatchewan, in September 1940, and went overseas early in 1942. Glen's card to his mother was written a few days before the Canadian raid on Dieppe.

An air force birthday card

To take advantage of a sales opportunity, this enterprising manufacturer may have simply taken a prewar birthday card and embossed on it the crest of the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Christmas in uniform

Jim Taunton of Verdun, Quebec, was spending Christmas 1940 in uniform, after enlisting in the Black Watch in Montreal.

Christmas greetings from a veteran

A Manitoba veterans' organization printed this card for its members to use at Christmas, and chose an appropriate quotation from Sir Arthur Currie for the occasion.