
97th Battalion CEF

The 97th battalion was recruited in the Toronto district and mobilized in Toronto, Ontario, with a strength of 31 officers and 798 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 19 September 1916, on the troop ship Olympic, and disembarked in the UK on 25 September.

96th Battalion CEF

The 96th battalion was recruited in the Saskatoon district, beginning 4 December 1915, and mobilized in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, with a strength of 30 officers and 805 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 27 September 1916, on the troop ship Laconia, and disembarked in the UK on 6 October.

95th Battalion CEF

The 95th battalion was recruited and mobilized in Toronto, Ontario, with a strength of 36 officers and 1061 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 2 June 1916, on the troop ship Olympic, and disembarked in the UK on 8 June.

94th Battalion CEF

The 94th battalion was recruited in Port Arthur, Fort William, Kenora, Rainy River, Fort Francis and Dryden and mobilized in Port Arthur, Ontario, with a strength of 36 officers and 1009 other ranks. The Battalion embarked from Halifax on 29 June 1916, on the troop ship Olympic, and disembarked in the UK on 5 July.

93rd Battalion CEF

The 93rd battalion was recruited in Peterborough County and mobilized in Peterborough, Ontario, with a strength of 36 officers and 868 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 16 July 1916, on the troop ship Empress of Britain, and disembarked in the UK on 25 July.

92nd Battalion CEF

The 92nd battalion was recruited and mobilized in Toronto, Ontario, with a strength of 36 officers and 1096 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 22 May 1916, on the troop ship Empress of Britain, and disembarked in the UK on 29 May.

92nd Bn march.pdf (5.53 MB)

91st battalion CEF

The 91st battalion was recruited and mobilized in Elgin County and mobilized in St. Thomas, Ontario, with a strength of 32 officers and 905 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 29 June 1916, on the troop ship Olympic, and disembarked in the UK on 5 July.

90th Battalion CEF

The 90th battalion was recruited and mobilized in Winnipeg, Manitoba, with a strength of 36 officers and 1087 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 2 June 1916, on the troop ship Olympic, and disembarked in the UK on 8 June.

89th Battalion CEF

The 88th battalion was recruited in Alberta and mobilized in Calgary, Alberta, with a strength of 23 officers and 969 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 2 June 1916, on the troop ship Olympic, and disembarked in the UK on 8 June.

88th Battalion CEF

The 88th battalion was recruited and mobilized in Victoria, British Columbia, with a strength of 34 officers and 1029 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 2 June 1916, on the troop ship Olympic, and disembarked in the UK on 8 June.