
Farewell to a Montreal conscript

The message to Paul St Louis, who was conscripted into the CEF in June 1918, reads, "Des salut a toute tes amis, tous les joueurs de base-ball et tous les autres [sic]."

War Emergency Training Classes Certificate: Machine Fitting

The Youth Training Act of 1939 enacted the War Emergency Training Program (1940-46) to provide technical training for individuals in the armed services and war industries.

2nd Tactical Air Force

This brief summary of the tactical use of air power was published just months before the Normandy invasion, when Allied mastery of the skies would be a critical factor in victory.

Man Overhead.pdf (15.84 MB)

Canadian soldiers in Italy

This booklet provided two first-hand accounts of Canada's participation in the campaign in Italy, beginning with the Sicily landings in July 1943

Cdn Recce Regt.pdf (5.38 MB)

Canadian Defence and the Navy Question

Beginning in 1890s, Canadians had weighed in on the naval question, an increasingly contentious issue with no clear national consensus that contributed to the fall of the Wilfrid Laurier government in 1911. This pamphlet notes the re-emergence of the naval issue as a central topic of debate early in the First World War as Canadians confronted the immediate problem of defence.

Notes for new military instructors

With the rapid expansion of the military early in the Second World War, there was a need for a manual such as this, with basic guidelines for officers and NCOs who had never before been involved in instructional duties.

Training in barbed wire

Given the importance of barbed wire during the First World War, it came as no surprise that in the Second World War there would be considerable emphasis on instructing soldiers in its use.

Canada At War: A Summary of Canada's Part in the War, October 1st, 1941

The "Canada at War" series was intended to serve as up-to-date source material for speakers and for citizens desiring information about Canada's participation in the war. It was revised and issued monthly, containing the most recent available facts and figures.

Military Pass, 1917

Fleetwood Berry of Meaford, Ontario, was issued this pass to absent from his barracks in Toronto in 1917. Similar passes were issued to soldiers going on leave.

His Country's Call

A typical patriotic image from the First World War, by British artist Cyril Cuneo.