
213th Battalion CEF

The 213th battalion was recruited in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia, and mobilized in St. Catharines, Ontario, with two drafts with a strength of 3 officers and 99 other ranks, and 2 officers and 85 other ranks. The first draft embarked from Halifax on 20 December, 1916 on the troop ship Olympic, and disembarked in the UK on 26 December. The second draft embarked from Halifax on 26 January, 1917, on the troop ship Grampian, and disembarked in the UK on 6 February.

212th Battalion CEF

The 212th battalion was recruited in Manitoba and mobilized Winnipeg, Manitoba. It was absorbed by the 97th battalion on 12 September, 1916.

211th Battalion CEF

The 211th battalion was recruited in Alberta and British Columbia, with a special appeal made to American citizens and former residents of Canada, and mobilized in Vancouver, British Columbia with a strength of 25 officers and 662 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 20 December, 1916, on the troop ship Olympic, and disembarked in the UK on 26 December.

210th Battalion CEF

The 210th battalion was recruited in the Moose Jaw district, and mobilized in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan with a strength of 18 officers and 462 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 11 April, 1917, on the troop ship Carpathia, and disembarked in the UK on 22 April.

209th Battalion CEF

The 209th battalion was recruited in the Swift Current district and mobilized in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, with a strength of 29 officers and 915 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 1 November, 1916, on the troop ship Caronia, and disembarked in the UK on 11 November.

208th Battalion CEF

The 208th battalion was recruited in the Toronto district, and mobilized in Toronto, Ontario, with a strength of 27 officers and 686 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 3 May, 1917, on the troop ship Justicia, and disembarked in the UK on 14 May. 

208th Bn album.pdf (3.49 MB)

207th Battalion CEF

The 207th battalion was recruited in Carleton County and mobilized in Ottawa, Ontario, with a strength pf 27 officers and 652 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 2 June, 1917, on the troop ship Olympic, and disembarked in the UK on 9 June. 

207th Bn march.pdf (2.14 MB)

205th Battalion CEF

The 205th battalion was recruited in the Hamilton district and mobilized in Hamilton, Ontario.

204th Battalion CEF

The 204th battalion was recruited and mobilized in Toronto, Ontario, with a strength of 27 officers and 788 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 28 March 1917, on the troop ship Saxonia, and disembarked in the UK on 7 April.

203rd Battalion CEF

The 203rd battalion was recruited and mobilized in Winnipeg, Manitoba, as a temperance battalion, with a strength of 32 officers and 956 other ranks. The battalion embarked from Halifax on 26 October 1916, on the troop ship Grampian, and disembarked in the UK on 5 November.