
New Advance, June 1942

This left-leaning pro-Soviet magazine for youth discussed Canada's war effort.

Canada at War, No. 42

First published in August of 1940, the Canada at War series aimed to provide Canadians with the most up-to-date information on the war effort, both at home and overseas. This is the 42nd issue in that series.

Province of Nova Scotia, Active Service Voters Act 1945

In preparation for a provincial election, Nova Scotia released these regulations to allow men and women serving in Canada's military, navy, and air forces to vote in their home districts.

Vote Meighen

Arthur Meighen, briefly Prime Minister during the 1920s, tried to return to office in 1942. Meighen had been chosen as leader of the opposition, but he lost the bi-election needed to get him a seat in the House of Commons. His campaign was based on a pro-conscription platform.

Physical Standards and Instructions for Medical Examination

This manual instructs medical staff how to assess the health of recruits and service men, and recommends the type of military service appropriate to each physical condition.

Operational Feeding: The Use of Field Rations

This booklet describes the rations that Canadian soldiers can expect during operations in the field, and carefully explains why the food available will be different from the food they received at home. After all, "to ship field bakeries instead of, say, field batteries, would be weakening the Force."

Military Training Pamphlet No. 23 Part III: Appreciations, Orders, Intercommunications and Movements 1939

This booklet is part of a series training Canadian troops on field operations, including how to evaluate a situations, issue orders, and send messages.

Notes for Instructors in Battle First Aid

This instruction manual describes how to perform first aid with the limited resources available during battle.

Daring Strategy and Courage

The Navy League of Canada released this booklet to schools to educate children about the valiant deeds of Canada's Navy.

Canada's Part in the Great War

This booklet provides a brief overview of Canada's contribution to the First World War, written shortly after the end of the war. Learn about Canada's military operations, naval service, changes in government finances, war production and trade, home-front rationing, and services for returned soldiers.