
Bingo for soldiers

Bingo was just one of the many means used to raise money to supply soldiers overseas with cigarettes.

Victory March in London, 2 May 1919

A message from an unidentified soldier: "Got these cards on July 12th in London. am now in YMCA Portsmouth. it is raining outside. intend taking a trip up in a airplane this afternoon. peace celebration day July 19th 1919."

A Birmingham war bride, 1917

The wedding photo of a woman from Handsworth, near Birmingham, and a gunner of the Canadian Field Artillery in December 1917.

Graduation dinner, Brandon, Manitoba

Course 122 of #12 Service Flying Training School held its graduation dinner in Brandon, Manitoba, in March 1945, when the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan was winding down. It was the last class to graduate from the school.

Grad dinner.pdf (39.37 MB)

Entertainment for convalescents

Community groups near Canadian military facilities often provided entertainment for personnel, like this concert at a hospital near Birmingham.

Canadian gunners in St Lucia

This dance card belonged to a Canadian gunner whose unit spent part of the First World War on garrison duties on the Caribbean island of St Lucia.

Camp Borden Military Theatre

Soldiers training at Camp Borden, Ontario, during the Second World War had a wide range of entertainment options available.

Graduating navigators and bomb aimers

The wings ceremony was an important milestone for airmen in training, a public acknowledgement that they had mastered their trade. This course, at a school operated by Canadian Pacific Air Lines, was unusual in having so many Polish airmen.

1AOS.pdf (8.04 MB)

Field Day

A program for a Field Day held "somewhere in France", containing competitors and events, held on the 30th of June 1917.

Patriotism on show

This printed fabric calendar, with a typical patriotic motif and slogan, was displayed in a house in New Brunswick - at least until September 1917.