Base and Unit Newspapers

The Armourer

The Armourer O.T.C was a local newspaper in Brockville, Ontario that published regional and war-related articles. This edition features titles like "Trained Soldiers' Wing" and "Brockville — The Home of the O.T.C"

The Armourer.pdf (23.04 MB)

The Signalman

Signalmen were responsible for transmitting and receiving messages using flags and/or morse code. Published by the Canadian Signal Training Centre in Kingston, Ontario, the magazine includes regional stories, accounts from Vimy Ridge, and articles on major contemporary events like the Crimea Conference.

FLAP - 39 (RCAF) Wing

The official publication of 39 (Royal Canadian Air Force) Wing, FLAP offered a mixture of war news, home news, personal stories from the units of the wing, and humour.

Infantry training news

The newspaper of the Canadian Infantry Training Centre in Aldershot, Nova Scotia, was intended to keep the community informed of happenings on the base, with articles on staff members, past and present students, sports, and society gossip. 

News from a Casualty Clearing Station

The Canadian Army Medical Corps and British Expeditionary Force published the CCS Review from the casualty clearing stations close to the frontlines. These stations were to assess and treat wounded soldiers from the front, those of able body were returned their units, others were sent to a field hospital.

Control Calling

Control Calling was a newsletter printed at the R.A.F. Woolsington Airfield and Base near Newcastle Upon Tyne in England. This station welcomed many Allied soldiers as part of training exchange programs during the Second World War, hosting too several Canadian R.C.A.F. servicemen. 

Control Calling.pdf (22.45 MB)

"The Tank" Canada - A Magazine

At Camp Borden, the Canadian Armoured Corps had its own magazine and newsletter, The Tank, whose articles covered personal experiences, impressions of individuals serving overseas (including the experiences of an Indian Army officer), creative writing, and news from different units.

News from the Brockville OTC

The Officers' Training Centre in Brockville, Ontario, commanded by First World War Victoria Cross winner Milton Gregg, prided itself on very high standards - and celebrated its achievements in its monthly magazine The BMA Blitz.

BMA Blitz.pdf (19.53 MB)

The Kiltie

The Kiltie was the magazine of the 134th Canadian Infantry Battalion, which had been raised by the 48th Highlanders from Toronto, Ontario. This edition was published for Christmas 1917, their second overseas.

The Kiltie.pdf (16.65 MB)

The Forty-Niner

The Forty-Niner was a regiment magazine for the 49th Battalion CEF, Edmonton regiment, published in the field. This issue published in January 1919, featured many comical caricatures of army officials and soldiers.

The Fortyniner.pdf (28.49 MB)