
Can Germany win the war?

Foster, the Minister of Trade and Commerce, addressed two critical questions in this talk: did Britain do everything possible to keep out of the war?; and, can Germany win the war?

Some Phases.pdf (8.03 MB)

The war so far

In this speech, the former Ottawa Member of Parliament and member of the Senate gave a brief outline of the Allied war effort over the first two years of the war.

Vote against the Union Government

In this booklet published during the 1917 election campaign, Boyd called for Canadian voters to reject the Union Government and "shatter the trenches of deception, special privilege, political autocracy and narrow-minded fanaticism."

Fair Play.pdf (16.67 MB)

Laurier and voluntary enlistment

During the bitterly fought 1917 election campaign, the Union Government released this correspondence between Liberal leader Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Canadian Club in Hamilton, Ontario, to cast doubt on Laurier's commitment to the war effort.

Two Letters.pdf (1.61 MB)

The coming of war

Although the war was only a few months old, Canadians already had access to a selection of diplomatic communiques and government papers relating to the declaration of war and Canada's contribution to the imperial war effort.

Canada as a German colony

In this fascinating address, Clarance Warner sketched a picture of Canada's future if the British Empire lost the First World War and Canada became a German colony.

The removal of Sir Sam Hughes

After Minister of Militia and Defence Sam Hughes was ousted from the government of Sir Robert Borden in 1916, the federal Liberal Party published a series of letters that attempted to discredit the government's conduct in the episode.

Hughes & Borden.pdf (10.17 MB)

The 1917 election

Journalist and Liberal Party organizer W.T.R. Preston was a bitter critic on the Conservative government and its running of the war, best known for writing the editorial that led to Sir Arthur Currie suing a Port Hope, Ontario, newspaper for libel. In this speech, he launched a blistering attack on the government for meddling in the 1917 election.

The King's Message to the RAF

After the First World War, J.C. Shackleton of Toronto, Ontario, received this certificate marking his service in the Royal Air Force (formerly the Royal Flying Corps).

Militia General Orders, 1917

General Orders, promulgated to Canada's Non-Permanent Active Militia by the Minister of Militia in Militia Council, addressed a range of administrative and functional matters. This one covered decorations and medals for long-serving members of the Militia.