On Active Service from St. Andrew's Church
St. Andrew's Church in Halifax, Nova Scotia, prepared this prayer pamphlet to commemorate those members of the church who died on active service, or went missing in action. Inside the pamphlet, worshippers also found the names of all fellow church members still serving in the Canadian military or recently retired from service.
This is just one example among many of the efforts made by religious communities around Canada to memorialize those who, for the sake of victory, sacrificed much. It also speaks to the pervasiveness of faith and religion in society at the time, and of its importance for those serving as well as for those at home.
St. Andrew’s Church, A Prayer for those On Active Service (Halifax, February 1945)
On Active Service Prayer Pamphlet_0.pdf
(4.86 MB)
pamphlet, 12cm x 21.4cm
Ley and Lois Smith War, Memory, and Popular Culture Research Collection - The University of Western Ontario - London, Ontario
Second World War