"A Tribute to the Canadian People", a Statement by P.M. Mackenzie King

On March 25, 1941 then Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King addressed the House of Commons in a statement titled "What Canada is Doing" as a tribute to the Canadian people. The speech aimed to put into perspective what Canadians across the country had already been doing up to that date to further the war effort against the Axis powers, and to also enumerate the challenges undertaken to be completed the following year in 1942. 

Canada and the War, What Canada is Doing statement by Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King to the House of Commons (Ottawa: March 25, 1941).

Booklet. 12 pages. 20cm x 12.5cm.
Ley and Lois Smith War, Memory and Popular Culture Research Collection - The University of Western Ontario - London, Ontario
Second World War